Well, though I miss everyone a lot and would love the chance to chat with everyone on a daily basis, this is the easiest way to keep everyone updated on my where abouts.
At this point I have been living in North Charleston, South Carolina for 23 days. I came down in my trusty goldie (thanks Aunt Jean- she's still moving fine!) with my parents following (sorry about the speeding dad) close by. Dad, you are the best for doing that
awful drive on your birthday.
The move in process was a little hectic- things did not exactly go as planned. I have a feeling that that will be the theme of my year here- part of the appeal to me for sure. The house wasn't exactly ideal. Though, for the price, you really can't beat it. I stole the idea of a blog from my neighbor Kelly, who actually posted the above picture of her own on her blog, but mine is just a mirror image. It is pretty spacious. It has three bedrooms. The master bedroom is the biggest, with the perks of having a bathroom and a tv jack in it. The other two bedrooms are still decently sized though and share a bathroom. We have a kitchen with a dishwasher and a washer and dryer (a huge plus)
I am living with two other VISTAS; Michelle and Ashley. Michelle is from Pennsylvania and Ashley is from Virginia. The three of us live at the end of Manley Ave along with some other VISTAS. Although we are all VISTAS we are doing different things. It is nice that there is a community of us all going through a lot of the same things; Lack of money, hard work, and living far from friends and family.
Before I go any further I should probably explain what it means to be an Americorp VISTA. Americorps broadly implies service for non-profits. VISTA stands for Volunteers In Service To America. It specifically works to fight poverty to America. So basically, if you are a VISTA, you are working to fight poverty in whatever town/sector you are working in.
I am fighting poverty in the Chicora/Chereoke section of North Charleston. North Charleston, one of the highest crime rates per capita in the United States. I also happen to live in North Charleston, about two miles from school, at the level of poverty. Doing so ensures that the VISTA worker is on the same economical level as the people they are serving. Honestly, I just feel like I'm living like I was in college, just working a lot harder, haha.
It's hard to say what my role is exactly at Chicora Elementary School.
On one hand I am the
Americorp *VISTAI've also been called the
Community Liasonor, the
Volunteer CoordinatorI've also heard the
Mentor Coordinatorbut in reality I am also
the person who checks in tardy kids, the person who picks up the phone, the person who counts at hand outs for class, the person who runs the back pack buddy program, the person who takes minutes at meetings, the person who is supposed to launch a student run newspaper, recycling team, the public relations specialists, the grant writer, the person who asks kids where their pass is if they are roaming the hallways? and part of the parenting commitee. Yeah, it is a lot. But I don't want anyone to think that I am complaining. I feel fortunete to have my first job out of college to come with so much responsibility and so many learning opportunities. I did Americorps to move to a new city (check) get some job expeirence (check) be consumed in a life that I knew little about (almost a check) figure out what I want to do with my life ( in progress) among other things. I know a lot of people would not be able to do what I am doing. It definitly has been an emotional rollar coaster and a lot of self reflection already. But I am excited and ready for this adventure!