This past weekend was so awesome because I had my first (of I hope many) OUT OF TOWN VISITORS! My friend Jenna who lives in Maine, was road tripping down the east coast with her friend Ellen, who is moving to Florida. Jenna was going along for the ride and is flying back to Maine in a few days. After spending a few days in Washington DC and a night in Wilmington, NC they arrived in Charleston on Saturday night. I had a nice homemade veggie lasagna waiting for them when they arrived. It was really nice to catch up over food and wine. We had a lot to tell each other!
At Siena we had a lot of classes together because she was a Political Science Major too. Right now she is where I was before I decided to do Americorps. That in between time where it's not only hard to find a job but complicated by the fact that you're unsure of what kind of job you actually want to do. I think she may look into Americorps now that I told her more about it and how much I am enjoying my time here.
On Saturday night I took them out to some of the spots in North Charleston that my friends and I frequent. After that we went downtown to a bar that I had never been to, but was recommended to us by a friend. Big John's Tavern, affectionately known as "Charleston's Best Dive Bar." There was a fun cover band playing and funky wall decorations. We had a lot of fun!
On Sunday I made the girls eggs and then we made our way to down town Chuck Town. The weather could not have been more perfect! It was sunny and in the low 70s. I parked the car in Battery Park (where I parked with you mom n dad and also with you Aunt Jean) and walked down King Street. They too fell in love with the Southern architecture. We just took our time strolling around the city, stopping in different stores or to take pictures of the pretty scenery. I took them through the open air market on Market Street. They got some cute touristy items to remember their trip by. We also stopped by the Fort Sumter museum because Ellen is a history buff. We walked up and down Meeting and East Bay Street. It was all in all a wonderful ending to a wonderful weekend.
Here's a picture of us girls. Jenna is in the middle and Ellen is at the end.