School has been SO busy! With the Thanksgiving break coming up and not a ton of time in before the long Christmas break (yes it's just a Christmas break, They don't even bother to say holiday break in the bible belt) it seems like everything is getting crammed into November. Currently I am working on a Domino's Pizza Fundraiser, a Polo shit fundraiser, Krispy Kreme Donuts Fundraiser, a field trip to the festival of lights for my mentors/mentees, business orientations, partnering up with the Be An Mentor Initiative, training a bunch of high school kids on mentoring.. and.. that's just been Monday-Wed. Mostly, I enjoy being busy though. The hours and days are literally flying. And there is never, ever a dull moment where I live or work. So that's good too :)
I went to the Coastal Carolina state fair and it was... interesting. Pictures to follow. For now, here's a picture of the pumpkin the girls and I carved!

The pumpkin you carved? Looks more like the aftermath...