So here it goes. According to my "VISTA Manuel" I received during my Pre Service Orientation in September, the sixth month mark is defined by a feeling of "what the #%$% did I get myself into?" The scary part is that I've had that thought well before this 6 month mark. The awesome part is that I've persevered!
These past few months have been a roller coaster. It has been very challenging physically and emotionally . It's also been great in many ways. I've been so fortunate that the people I love have been able to visit. My Mother, Aunt, Grandma came down for a weekend and about a month after that my sister visited.
Instead of trying to catch ya'll up on everything that's happened I thought I could just make a list of some random things, both serious and humorous that I've learned, in no particular order.
- Coupons are great, but it's not smart to use them on stuff you wouldn't normally buy without coupons
- Southern people care a lot about their oysters
- The Crock pot is an economically friendly way to make food and requires little skill.
- Most people and businesses are willing to help out, all you really have to do is ask.
-It's a great skill to learn how to confidently say "no" to things you could physically do, but don't have enough time for
- Never underestimate the power of "stability." When a person does not have any stable people in their life, they will fall
- You can think you have someone's personality pinned in a couple of minutes, but most people are really layered
- If you love what you're doing than you won't mind not getting paid well or working long hours
-Blenders can catch fire
-Sometimes meetings seem like an excuse for a lot of people to sit around and not get a lot done
-Sunshine and warm weather makes people more calm and happy
That's all I got for now. Now for some pictures!!

Me and Eccence. The 5th grader I mentor! She makes me smile

My Family on their trip down here. Took the girls out for a drink at my favorite pub around here.
Kelsey and I at the park near my house
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